

Every night I find myself wishing that something would come along and put an end to all this mediocre, insincere shit, that the majority of the world calls music.  I'm not just talking about my opinion on what style is best, I'm talking about all genres. I can't find anything new that shakes me. Sure, every now and then I find a great song or two, but where's the beef America? Can we please take back our music from pre-teen girls and stop jerking ourselves off to the likes of Maroon 5. I just want some substance. Something that turns on my caveman brain! I say, whatever music is allowed to be played in shopping malls, shouldn't be allowed on the radio. It's all bullshit, and it's bad for you! Listen to what you will, but I've had it! This shit kills me inside. To hear all this auto tuned, soft core, limp dick, product pumping junk that is supposedly banging, just kills me. SO I declare, on this eve of my brothers death one year ago, that I will dedicate my life to the pursuit of honesty, truth, and an extreme retaliation towards all "artist" who fake the funk, pretend the pain, steal the soul, jive the jams, bubble the gum, polish the pop, soft the rock, crap the rap, level the metal, sell an image, demographic the magic, distribute but don't contribute, bunk the punk, and last but not least....WISH TO BE AMERICAN IDOLS. The whole dream of "making it" needs to be tarred and feathered. A real musician doesn't write music to "make it", They just write to make music. GIVE ME BACK MY RAW, UGLY, GRITTY, BARE BONES, IMPERFECT MUSIC! I know it's just music, but honestly, good music is about the only thing that makes me feel much of anything anymore. It's a sacred vibration that comes from within. If there is such thing as a god, or a universal truth, I guaran-damn-tee that it will be found in music! I here by pledge my life to writing music from my beating heart and rotten guts, waging war on today's music industry, and burning all the false idols to the ground! Hail, hail, rock and roll. Look out America, I'm a comin' ta getcha!